Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tim Hawkins "Rockshow Comidy Tour"

2 Weekends ago, we went to our friends, the Hebert's, house and they got the Tim Hawkins movie, "Rockshow Comedy Tour" and we watched it and it was AWESOME!! I highly recommend everyone to see it! I will share a few clips from the movie There are also 2 of his friends on this movie, John and Bob. They are both really funny... Enjoy... (You might want to make sure you have time to watch these, they are really good)

"Have you Eaten?"

"Girls VS. Boys"

Tim, John, and Bob on "Marriage"

This video, Bob does. He does it on "Wedding Vows"

Tim, John, and Bob on "Babies"

Tim, John, and Bob on "The Perils of Children"

Ok. I guess that is enough. I dont need to spoil the whole thing. I'll save some of the better ones for you to watch your self. Hope you enjoyed!!!


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